
The Benefits of the Baby Signs® Program

Families who use the Baby Signs® Program know first hand that there are many benefits to using signs with their babies. Using the Baby Signs® Program …
  • Reduces tears, tantrums, & frustration
  • Allows babies to share their worlds
  • Increases respect for babies
  • Strengthens the parent-infant bond
  • Boosts self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Makes learning to talk easier
  • Stimulates intellectual development
Over two decades of Baby Signs® research has shown that these proven benefits affect different areas of a child’s development. Using the Baby Signs® Program stimulates: *
  • Social-Emotional Development
  • Language Development
  • Cognitive Development
The Science of the Baby Signs® Program
Dr. Linda Acredolo and Dr. Susan Goodwyn, the authors of the book Baby Signs: How to Talk with Your Baby Before Your Baby Can Talk, have conducted over two decades of academic research on the use of signs with hearing babies, including a long-term study funded by the National Institutes of Health. Their ground-breaking research describes the proven benefits of the Baby Signs® Program. Their scientific study of over 140 families took place over a seven-year period and yielded some remarkable results. They conducted standardized assessments of children who participated in Baby Signs® groups and those in non-Baby Signs® groups at several stages in their development.
At 24 months, the Baby Signs® babies were on average talking more like 27 or 28 month olds. This represents more than a three-month advantage over the non-Baby Signs® babies. In addition, the 24 month old Baby Signs® babies were putting together significantly longer sentences.
At 36 months, Baby Signs® babies on average were talking like 47 month olds, putting them almost a full year ahead of their average age-mates. Eight year olds who had been Baby Signs® babies scored an average of 12 points higher in IQ than their non-signing peers